7 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2023

Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2017As 2016 draws to a close, we’ve been looking to the year ahead. Here are the 7 top online marketing trends that Forbes think will be big news in 2017.


The True Rise of Augmented Reality

You can expect to see more brands coming out with AR games, AR ads, and attempts to capitalise on AR apps that already exist.
The success of Pokémon GO! has had two main effects on the online marketing community;
It’s shown that users are ready for augmented reality (AR) experiences and it’s given marketers a taste of the earning potential here


Data Visualisation Tools

We need quantitative information to tell us who’s buying what, when, why, and what messaging is most effective.
In 2017, every business is going to want to start using Data visualisation tools and the ones who don’t will be left at a significant disadvantage.
The technology will be more sophisticated, and data analysis needs will be greater than ever.

Live Video Streaming

Social media users are beginning to demand more in-the-moment content, giving them a vicarious view into a world they’d previously been unable to access.
Live video has been on an upward streak for the last few years, but Forbes believe 2017 will be the year when it fully takes off, utilised by more brands and more individuals than ever.

Native Advertising

Native advertising is a form of paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed.
Native advertising is on an upward swing; as consumers continue to condemn or ignore most forms of conventional advertising
Native advertising becomes a sneakier (yet effective) way to get those consumers’ attentions.

Targeting Niche Markets

Online marketing is becoming more crowded; though the number of available consumers has remained more or less steady.
A way to combat this is by appealing to a narrower range of demographics with a more specific topic.
We’re bound to see more companies opting for more targeted, almost personal level content and campaigns.

Dense Content

Endless streams of content from almost every brand and individual we follow have forced us to filter out the majority of messages.
We skim articles, skip posts and share articles after only reading the headline.
In response, more marketers are going to learn that dense content is key, making every line and every word count.

Immersive Experience

Users are craving more immersive experiences, giving them the feeling that they’re doing more than staring at a phone or laptop screen.
As well as AR and VR, you can offer 360 videos or host live webinars and workshops to get people to engage with you.
The key is to provide some level of interaction in a way that makes people feel like they’re a part of something bigger.

Interested in starting the new year with a new marketing campaign? Give us a call!



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