12 Facebook Tips and Tricks for Running a Successful Fan Page ls 2Post Planner fans are amazing!

I'm blown away by the high-quality Facebook pages run by our users -- and the wide array of niches those pages cover.

While looking for fan pages to review, I recently asked Post Planner fans to suggest Facebook pages for me to evaluate.

I loved looking through that list!

Of course, some pages stood out above the rest. And one of those pages was Visit My Smokies.

In this post, I'll dig into this fan page to show you 12 Facebook tips and tricks for anyone trying to run a successful Facebook business page.

4 Proven Steps to Facebook Page SuccessAre you looking to take your Facebook page to the next level, but aren’t sure how to go about it? This article will provide four proven steps to Facebook success.

An interesting thing happened the other day that grabbed my attention.  Three different clients emailed me with a link to a recent article.  All three wrote some version of “Check out this case study. Can you make this happen for my Facebook page too?”

The title of the article was enough to hook anyone: Facebook Case Study: From 517 to 33,000 fans in two weeks (plus media coverage).

After reading the impressive case study and looking at countless other Facebook page success stories, I instantly noticed a common thread throughout these pages.
The Formula for Facebook Page Success


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