7 Effective Tips for Successful Event Email MarketingLike it or not, email still remains as one the most effective marketing tools for events today. Unlike your website or event your event app, the event email is a very controlled experience where you, as the event planner, can decide everything from what it looks like, what time it shows up, the call to action and what kind of personalised content it should use.  And best of all, it’s effect is measurable. But with more than 20 percent of legitimate marketing emails never reaching a recipient’s inbox, what steps should event planners take to ensure the successful delivery of their email campaigns?

What is Spam Scoring?

As of March 2017, spam messages accounted for 57% of email traffic worldwide1 – and consequently, email providers are becoming more and more stringent on what content makes it into an inbox and what ends up in junk.

Mail servers and applications use different ways of ‘scoring’ emails – if the score is too high, then your event invite, for example, gets classified as spam and will not reach your attendee’s inbox.  What makes it complicated, however, is that each spam filter works a bit differently to the other and ‘passing’ scores can vary.  Your email invitation could pass through one attendee’s spam filter, but get flagged by another’s as junk. Spam filters can sometimes even synch up with each other to share what they’ve learned and this will also affect the variability of your spam score.

43 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your Site in 2017You need more website traffic.

If you run an online business, traffic is your lifeblood because it enables your business model to work and pay your bills. Therefore, you need to employee multiple strategies to bring new visitors to your site and keep old visitors engaged with your content.

Here are 43 ways to drive traffic to your website in 2017.

First Time User Acquisition
Create New Content

The best way to increase traffic to your website from organic traffic is to increase the number of pages on your website that can rank for your important keyword terms. Look at where you can add new category pages, new blog posts, or new pieces of attractive content (visuals, quizzes, etc) to target specific keywords.

Optimize Old Content

Because you are tracking your keyword rankings (you are, right? If you’re not, use SEMrush), you can find the keywords that you rank near the bottom of the first page and go add useful content to those pages to help them rank better. Google also prefers updated and new content over old stale content.

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