Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2017As 2016 draws to a close, we’ve been looking to the year ahead. Here are the 7 top online marketing trends that Forbes think will be big news in 2017.


The True Rise of Augmented Reality

You can expect to see more brands coming out with AR games, AR ads, and attempts to capitalise on AR apps that already exist.
The success of Pokémon GO! has had two main effects on the online marketing community;
It’s shown that users are ready for augmented reality (AR) experiences and it’s given marketers a taste of the earning potential here

Make Your Employees Marketing SuperstarsSavvy entrepreneurs know how important it is to make the most of every marketing opportunity. So why do many overlook one of their greatest marketing sources—the employees themselves? Of course you have a budget for traditional advertising, but your office is filled with potential brand evangelists if you only know how to make the most of them.


Here are seven ways to capitalize on the marketing possibilities of your workforce:


1. Speak their language.

Take the time to figure out what motivates each individual you employ and make your business relevant to them in terms they understand. Have a customer service rep who connects with folks on an emotional level? Give that employee a personal connection—a story about why your vision is emotionally satisfying. Is another employee a logical, technical sort? Get him excited about the features and benefits of your company. Find a way to get every single employee to connect with your company in a way that’s meaningful to him or her.

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